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Christmas Greetings From Terntank

21 Dec 2021

Looking back on these challenging years, we could not be more grateful to have friends and partners like you around us. As one year ends, another begins. This year has been one that we will never forget. Looking forward we hope to make 2022 even more amazing together with you.

Rather than posting a traditional gift we have again chosen to make a donation to UNICEF, Räddningsmissionen & Star of hope Philippines to support them in their important jobs.

We will also remind each other that together with you we have been able to operate and keep our vessels in service. We are all waiting for this pandemic to be over and we look forward to meet each other again.

Thank you for coming with us on this journey and may your holiday season be filled with love and joy. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Dec 2021


15 Dec 2021

We are thrilled to announce that TERN ISLAND has been delivered today from China Merchants Jinling Shipyard, Yangzhou, Dingheng Co Ltd to Terntank Rederi AS.

TERN ISLAND is the first of series of two 15.000 dwt vessels that will be commercially operated by North European Oil Trade in the Baltic Sea area. TERN ISLAND has a cargo capacity of 16500 cubic meters in 14 epoxy coated tanks.

The pioneering new vessel design is derived from the product carriers of Ternsund-type. Together with the design partner Kongsberg Maritime we have taken a step further, combining LBG/LNG-powered engines with the Hybrid Solution®.

TERN ISLAND is equipped with the Hybrid Solution®, the combination between battery pack, shore power connection and a DC-Link system. The Hybrid Solution® does not only enable us to preform fossil free port operations, but also enables peak shaving to reduce the emissions even further. The battery packs also act as reserve to provide an energy reserve for power generation, limiting unnecessary parallel running of generators and provides a blackout prevention function that keeps the electrical network alive. TERN ISLAND is designed to reduce the environmental impact and perform safe operations. By combining the optimized hull and rudder design with dual fuel capability, TERN ISLAND will reduce fuel and energy consumption resulting in extensively low CO2, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide, noice, particle emissions.

“The innovating ship design drastically lowers the emissions and combined together with the Terntank Hybrid solution® we can eliminate the use of fossil fuels in port operations” - Tryggve Möller, Ship Owner

The vessel will now proceed to Bintulu to load bio products for Europe.


Dec 2021

Naming Ceremony – Tern Island

09 Dec 2021

The first of two 15,000 dwt chemical and product tankers in the Terntanks Hybrid Solution series has been named at the China Merchants Jinling Shipyard, Yangzhou, Dingheng Co Ltd.

Tern Island will be delivered in December and thereafter Terntank expects a journey of five to six weeks before she is in Europe. There she enters a longer time charter for the Finnish North European Oil Trade (NEOT). Tern Island will be included in a pool along with other vessels from Terntank

The new building was named Tern Island and the godmother is Annika Kristensson, one of the owners of Terntank.

Further development of the Ternsund series

The Terntank Hybrid Solution vessels build on the design that design partner Kongsberg Maritime developed for the previous Ternsund series. Now, among other things, the hull and rudder design has been further optimized. Also new is that these two vessels are equipped with Terntank Hybrid Solution which includes battery packs, shore power connection and a DC-Link system. This solution enables port operations with zero emissions. The shore power connection has been developed together with the Port of Gothenburg, which is said to be the first port in the world that can connect tankers to electricity.


The vessels have dual-fuel machinery that uses LNG (liquefied natural gas) or LBG (liquefied biogas) as fuel, which means that they will be able to operate on completely fossil-free fuel.

– We are very grateful to have such a good collaboration with customers as NEOT, which enables us to build these groundbreaking vessels. At the same time, we are very much looking forward to being the world's first shore-connected tanker, says Tryggve Möller and the other owners Annika Kristensson, Rigmor Möller and John Sten.

Read the whole article here


Dec 2021