M/T Tern Ocean
- Builder: Avic Dingheng Shipbuilding co. LTD, China 2017.
- Class notation: DNV 1A Tanker for chemicals Tanker for oil products BIS Clean COATPSPC( B) E0 ESP Gas fuelled LNG Ice(1A) NAUT(NAV) TMON(oil lubricated) VCS(1).
- IMO No: 9747986
- Flag: DIS
- Call sign: OYBJ2
- Length overall: 147.00 m
- Length between perpendicular: 143.50 m
- Breath (moulded): 22.00 m
- Depth (moulded): 11.70 m
- Draught (scantling): 9.00 m
- Deadweight (at scantling draught): 14,827 t
- Gross tonnage: 11,374 t
- Net tonnage: 4,780 t
- Hull no: AD0058
- Design: Rolls-Royce Marine AS, type NVC 615 CT.
- Consumtion: 12.0 knots 8.9 tonst LNG/Day.
- Marine gas oil: 12.0 knots 8.9 tonst LNG/Day.
- Cargo tank capacity 98%: 16,548 m3
- Ballast water tanks: 6,636 m3
- LNG fuel storage tanks: 630 m3
- Marine gas oil: 610 m3
- Slop tanks: 242 m3
- Tech fresh water tanks: 325 m3
- Urea: 52 m3
- Tank coating: MarineLine 784
- Cargo pumps: Deepwell pumps type DW 200/250 multisuction. Frequency controlled 450 m3/h at 120 m.l.c.
- Cargo alarm & monitoring systems: Kongsberg Tank Radar,K-Chief 600 alarm, monitoring & control system, Operator station-OS. Kockumation Loading computer.
- Intergas system: The Inertgas system is using one existing dedicated Thermal oil heater with a burner modified to also be able to generate Inertgas. Capacity 3,950 m3/h.
- Nitrogen system: A N2 generator, cap. abt. 100 Nm3/h @ 96% N2 installed in ER. N2 buffer tank of about 20 m3 for Cargo handling. Buffer tank serving dual fuel machinery in ER also installed.
- Balast water treatment: Panasia GloEn-Patrol. BWMS is a combined treatment system taking advantage of Filter and UV units most environmentally friendly and optimally designed. Treatment Capacity: 1,200 m3/hr x 1 set.
- Bowthruster: 1 Tunnel Thruster 1,650 AUX CP 865 kW 60Hz. DNV Class notation Ice 1A.
- Main engine: Wärtsilä 5RT-flex 50 DF 5,850 kW 102 RPM 2-stroke, low pressure, LNG dual-fuel engine.
- Fuel management: Kongsberg fuel performance system, Shaft Torque/Power, Fuel Index, Ships speed, Fuel flowmeters.
- Auxiliary diesel: 3 x Mitsubishi MAS 850-S, 790 kWe @ 1,800 rpm, 60 Hz
- Catamiser: Combined exhaust gas heat recovery and SCR for NOx reduction below Tier III.
- Shaft generator: Permanent Magnet Shaft Generator with Variable Frequency Drive to allow running the Engine/Propeller in Combinator mode for optimum efficiency. Rated output shaft generator PTO 780 kW / PTI 1,000 kW.