Terntank won innovation prize

April 27, 2017


On Energy Harbor Day (Energihamnsdagen) 2017 in Gothenburg, Terntank was voted winner of the newly established innovation award “Gulddroppen”.

Terntank is the winner of the Innovation Award “Gulddroppen”, which was first issued by Göteborgs Hamn on Energy Harbor Day, April 27th. The Energy Harbor Day is organized by the Port of Gothenburg, focusing on the activities of the Energy Harbor.

Five candidates

The Port of Gothenburg drew attention to five projects this year’s Energy Harbor Day. The companies nominated for the new innovation award were Preem for its renewable diesel, Terntank for its LNG-powered tankers, St1 for its ethanol plant, Nynäs for its renewable asphalt and Furetank for its LNG operation. The winner Terntank was voted by the participants on Energy Harbor Day and took home the Gold Drop with 31 percent of the votes.

“Innovative predecessors”

The motivation for the nomination of Terntank reads:

Ternsund is the first ship ever bunkering with LNG in the port of Gothenburg. Together with its newly built sisters, Ternsund will trade european harbor without releasing sulfur and particles. “Ternsund is an innovative precursor at the forefront of a greener shipping. Through courage, dedication and innovation, Terntank is a model in the development towards the future of shipping. ”

Tryggve Möller at Terntank says that the shipping company will of course continue to work hard to reduce the ecological footprint to a minimum.

“We are extremely grateful to win the Gold Drop with such a starting field,” says Tryggve Möller at Terntank
