Innovative Awards to Terntank Crew
We are proud to announce that our onboard employees and colleagues were awarded at a ceremony held by Swedish Foundation “Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus”, who annually award seafarers for new inventions.
The Swedish Seamen’s Foundation is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The day ceremony was held at Hotell Hasselbacken in Stockholm, and offered many interesting presentations and inventive examples of improved safety, working environment and well-being for seafarers.
Terntank has historically received prizes but this year the company “stuck out” when we received 6 prizes. We like to congratulate the all the award winners: Arkadiusz Chojnowsk, Jonas Sandell, Elias Möller, Kenth Möller, Jan Saldh, Magnus Rönn & Boyet Paldo.
Read more about the inventions among others here.
See the whole reward ceremony here.
Award winners
Arkadiusz Chojnowsk, M/T Ternholm
Jonas Sandell, M/T Ternsund
Elias Möller & Kenth Möller, M/T Ternholm,
Jan Saldh, M/T Tern Sea
Magnus Rönn, M/T Ternsund
Boyet Paldo, M/T Ternholm